Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Big Yellow School Bus

Now we have all seen the episodes of 'The Simpson' and 'Southpark',

where all the school children go to school in BIG YELLOW BUSES. Well they all do!!!!!!!!!!

Ever week day morning, THE BIG YELLOW SCHOOL BUS drives around all the streets and picks up the school children, from local and remote locations and takes them to

and from school. These children do not mix with the general public, as we are used to on our transport systems. The only person then that enforces any control over these children is the Bus Driver;

And no child wants to take on the 'early morning, I have not woken up well' bus driver, do they.
But like all things that we make, THE BIG YELLOW SCHOOL BUS has a life expectancy and with the continuing assault by these unruly children the life of THE BIG YELLOW SCHOOL BUS is short. So where do all the dead BIG YELLOW SCHOOL BUSES go when their time is up ................................................

Sunday, June 11, 2006

MY CANADA Part #11
Every sports has a Commentator that makes for notoriety in some respects. In Australia, with the AFL they have Sammy Newman.
In Canada, with the hockey, they have The Don.
Don Cheery.
I need say no more. He's the one on the right. Enjoy.........

MY CANADA - Part #10
What's wrong here!
Ok, so I've been here 7 weeks now and had to make some adjustments. They have been easy but subtle. Here are some of thoses adjustments;
(1) What's wrong with this photo?

(2) And with this picture?

(3) And finally this photo?

Here are the answers:-
(1) The steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car. No, it's on the other side of the car, I'm in Canada
(2) They are all driving on the wrong side of the road. No, it's the other side of the road, I'm in Canada.
(3) Nothing, it's just a funny photo I took at a rodeo.
But I am the one with the accent, I'm in Canada and I am an Aussie.