CANADA - MY OUTROSPECTIVECanada, what a great place. I mean all places on Mother Earth are great. Each has there own greatness that makes that part of the Earth great. When we live in that particular part of that greatness for some time, we may lose seeing that bit of Her greatness. We become complacent with it and our brain then filters it out to make more room for things that are important to our every day existence, like; 'Have I put the bin out tonight', or, 'those windows are dirty I should clean them', where's my drink? Yet, there is a sunset in front of you that many only dream about and you don't see it. Boo Hah to that.
Here is Canada through my 'virgin' eyes, (ha!) and remember, 'This is just one man's opinion'.
Over the next few publications I will list/outline things about this great land that I find fantastic, unusual or just damn right interesting. Some of these items/things arise through adaptation to one's environment or remoteness. So, when you have an environment that is not anywhere else, items/things develop to meet that situation/environment and therefore may not be seen anywhere else on Earth, especially Australia.
Firstly, lets start with Part #1
The flag. Part #1It is the identity of the/a nation. It is flown here everywhere.

You notice this because it is flown everywhere in Canada! On Buildings, commercial or domestic, cars, trucks, tractors, boats, really anything a flag can be attached to.
You can feel a great sense of patriotism and I believe Australia can learn from this. We should not be patriotic just when an 'Olympic Games' comes to town or when Australia hosts the 'World Cup soccer' or any other International Sport. We can be Patriotic at all times. Fly the flag from your home, have a bumper sticker on your car, fly the flag at work, (Oh, by the way, there is no mention, or shall there be, as to what the flag should look like, that's irrelevant to this comment as the flag could be anything design. It's about the FLAG!), fly it from your houseboat, fly it anywhere but always remember what it stands for.